Study: Manual AR Processes Slow Payments Collection By As Much As 67 Percent
Study: Manual AR Processes Slow Payments Collection By As Much As 67 Percent
December 15, 2020  |  B2B Payments

Paper-based payment processes are slow and costly, and tend to exacerbate existing payment pain points when collecting receivables. This is the key takeaway from a...

Omnichannel Strategies Preserve The Best Of In-Branch And Digital-First Banking
Omnichannel Strategies Preserve The Best Of In-Branch And Digital-First Banking
December 15, 2020  |  Digital-First Banking

That banking customers migrated to smartphones and apps in droves as a matter of necessity is now a matter of history. Going forward, digital experience...

Giving Voice To Disbursements Choice With Consumer Preference
Giving Voice To Disbursements Choice With Consumer Preference
December 15, 2020  |  Payments Innovation

“Consumers and microbusinesses receive their payments through a variety of options, but they do not always receive their disbursements through a method to their liking.”...

BNPL Is Poised To Light Up The COVID Holidays With Affordability
BNPL Is Poised To Light Up The COVID Holidays With Affordability
December 15, 2020  |  Buy Now Pay Later

It’s hard to say which is the best part of buy now, pay later (BNPL). Let’s go with “pay later.” Debatably the most impactful payments...

An AI Blueprint For More Profitable Portfolios In 2021
An AI Blueprint For More Profitable Portfolios In 2021
December 14, 2020  |  Artificial Intelligence

Want to know what 10,000 U.S. consumers think about artificial intelligence (AI) as it relates to their financial lives? Just ask them, as was done...

REPORT: Connected At Home: The Devices That Got Consumers Through 2020
REPORT: Connected At Home: The Devices That Got Consumers Through 2020
December 14, 2020  |  eCommerce

Consumers’ daily lives look very different now than they did just one year ago. So-called “office workers” no longer commute to offices or work traditional...

Crypto, Kleptos And The Digital Identity Showdown
Crypto, Kleptos And The Digital Identity Showdown
December 11, 2020  |  AML

As goes banking, so goes fraud. It has ever been thus. Money laundering and terrorist financing also go on the list these days, perhaps like...

Five Key Takeaways From PYMNTS’ BNPL Study
Five Key Takeaways From PYMNTS’ BNPL Study
December 10, 2020  |  Buy Now Pay Later

Buy now, pay later (BNPL) may not be the most used payment option this holiday season, but it’s definitely the fastest-growing and most talked about,...

Device-Happy Commuting Mobile Consumers Crave Connections
Device-Happy Commuting Mobile Consumers Crave Connections
December 10, 2020  |  Commerce Connected

Mobility relies on connections. The less one gets around while transacting, the lesser the need for a multitude of apps and devices supporting “anywhere commerce.”...