NEW DATA: What US Consumers Want Grocery Stores To Know About How They Want To Shop And Pay
NEW DATA: What US Consumers Want Grocery Stores To Know About How They Want To...
December 01, 2020  |  Omnicommerce

As consumers spend more time at home, they continue to order groceries online in far larger numbers than they ever did before the pandemic. In...

Readying For Real-Time, All The Time
Readying For Real-Time, All The Time
November 30, 2020  |  Payments Innovation

When people began experiencing the joy of instant peer-to-peer (P2P) payments a few short years ago, the genie was out of the bottle. There was...

New Data: Consumers Want Banks To Use Location Data To Keep Accounts, Transactions Fraud-Free
New Data: Consumers Want Banks To Use Location Data To Keep Accounts, Transactions Fraud-Free
November 30, 2020  |  Fraud Prevention

Smartphones have become a ubiquitous part of life for consumers around the globe. They use their mobile devices for everything from checking the weather to...

Remote Onboarding Boom Being Secured By Multifactor Authentication
Remote Onboarding Boom Being Secured By Multifactor Authentication
November 27, 2020  |  Digital Onboarding

Remote onboarding has overtaken (some might say overwhelmed) banks and merchants all year long as a deluge of faceless applicants opened accounts and cards. Financial...

Merchants Get Clarity Around Compliance As Global Payment Regulations Evolve
Merchants Get Clarity Around Compliance As Global Payment Regulations Evolve
November 27, 2020  |  Bank Regulation

Compliance with financial regulations market-to-market around the globe is increasingly automated yet relies on the same human emotion that undergirds all forms of exchange: trust....

Mapping Out Merchants’ Maneuvers For 2021
Mapping Out Merchants’ Maneuvers For 2021
November 27, 2020  |  Payments Innovation

From restaurants to the farthest reaches of retail, rapid digitization is making the best of the COVID-19 mess while setting up conditions for an elevated...

Loyalists And The Order-to-Eat Phenomenon
Loyalists And The Order-to-Eat Phenomenon
November 25, 2020  |  Restaurant innovation

Winter’s here and the time is right … for staying home and ordering veggie tacos. “One trend that is unlikely to fade this winter is...

Cardholder Engagement Is A Matter Of Loyalty
Cardholder Engagement Is A Matter Of Loyalty
November 25, 2020  |  Loyalty & Rewards

Commerce should be rewarding. In fact, it had better be. PYMNTS November 2020 Cardholder Loyalty Engagement Report, a Novae collaboration, is a special “How Rewards...

Subscriptions Define COVID-Era Resilience With Ingenuity
Subscriptions Define COVID-Era Resilience With Ingenuity
November 24, 2020  |  Subscription Commerce

If “resilience” is a bona fide buzzword flying out of 2020 (and it is), then subscriptions are its commercial embodiment. As offices and stores went...