Restaurant Operators Face New Loyalty Demands
Restaurant Operators Face New Loyalty Demands
November 24, 2020  |  Loyalty & Rewards

Lettuce-wrap your mind around this: “There are 31.6 million consumers in the United States — 15.7 percent of the total — who are dining in...

Optimism Grows Among Credit Unions In A Major Refocus On Member Preferences
Optimism Grows Among Credit Unions In A Major Refocus On Member Preferences
November 23, 2020  |  Credit Unions

Credit unions (CUs) are keeping in step with — if not a step ahead of — account holder preferences and desires in the shifting digital...

Mobile Order-Ahead Sector Goes All-In On AI
Mobile Order-Ahead Sector Goes All-In On AI
November 23, 2020  |  Artificial Intelligence

Artificial ingredients: tasteless. Artificial intelligence (AI) in mobile food ordering: tantalizing. That’s a silly simplification of the very serious matter of what AI is doing...

New Data: Banks Could Lose 20 Percent Of Customers Over Rewards
New Data: Banks Could Lose 20 Percent Of Customers Over Rewards
November 20, 2020  |  Loyalty & Rewards

Loyalty and rewards programs have long been a common way for banks to persuade consumers to sign up for and use their credit and debit...

NEW DATA: 44 Million Consumers Want Rewards, But Restaurants Aren’t Delivering
NEW DATA: 44 Million Consumers Want Rewards, But Restaurants Aren’t Delivering
November 19, 2020  |  Restaurant innovation

The restaurant business has changed dramatically in the past six months, and so have customers’ habits. Many eateries have adopted digital ordering options to meet...

NEW DATA: How To Keep 24.4 Million Consumers From Hitting ‘Unsubscribe’
NEW DATA: How To Keep 24.4 Million Consumers From Hitting ‘Unsubscribe’
November 19, 2020  |  Subscription Commerce

As stay-at-home COVID-19 mandates have forced consumers to be housebound, companies that rely on subscription models to deliver their products and services are reaping the...

NEW DATA: 43M Consumers Are Holding Out On Mobile Banking Apps — How Banks Can Change Their Minds
NEW DATA: 43M Consumers Are Holding Out On Mobile Banking Apps — How Banks Can...
November 17, 2020  |  Authentication

Consumers’ banking habits have changed radically since the pandemic was first declared in March. Not only are many account holders visiting brick-and-mortar branches less often...

Touchless Is Pushing Payments Beyond The Card
Touchless Is Pushing Payments Beyond The Card
November 16, 2020  |  Payments Innovation

Will anyone miss keypads when they go? Will POS terminals without a clear purpose make us long for the days of swiping plastic, punching buttons...

NEW DATA: Closing The Instant-Disbursements Perception Gap
NEW DATA: Closing The Instant-Disbursements Perception Gap
November 16, 2020  |  Disbursements

Payments speed is a crucial consideration for today’s consumers and microbusinesses when receiving disbursements, with PYMNTS’ research finding that more than half of the former...