81% of Small Businesses Get Paid via Ad Hoc Payments
81% of Small Businesses Get Paid via Ad Hoc Payments
April 30, 2024  |  SMBs

Eight in 10 small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) get paid via ad hoc payments for the goods and services they provide to larger organizations. The...

Low-Income Consumers Choose Retailers Over D2C When Shopping Online
Low-Income Consumers Choose Retailers Over D2C When Shopping Online
April 29, 2024  |  eCommerce

When low-income shoppers tap digital channels, they prefer to shop with retailers rather than going straight to brands’ eCommerce shops, trusting stores to offer them...

Study Finds Only Half of Consumers Satisfied With Embedded Lending Options
Study Finds Only Half of Consumers Satisfied With Embedded Lending Options
April 26, 2024  |  VISA

Lenders in key global markets offer an ever-increasing range of consumer credit products. Still, consumers express dissatisfaction with the current options. Just 50% of consumers...

Real-Time Payments Help Cure Small Business Healthcare Provider Finances
Real-Time Payments Help Cure Small Business Healthcare Provider Finances
April 25, 2024  |  Real-Time Payments

Small to mid-sized businesses (SMBs) in the healthcare provider segment now use real-time payments more widely than other payment rails. PYMNTS Intelligence finds that in...

Working Capital Index Finds Central Europe and EMEA Ripe for Growth
Working Capital Index Finds Central Europe and EMEA Ripe for Growth
April 24, 2024  |  VISA

Working capital enables companies to avoid disturbances in operations in the short term and power growth in the long term. In the Central Europe, Middle...

New Data: 93% of Card-Linked Offer Users Come Back for More
New Data: 93% of Card-Linked Offer Users Come Back for More
April 23, 2024  |  Loyalty & Rewards

Card-linked offers, which provide special savings or rewards attached to a merchant or product, are popular: Roughly 2 in 5 cardholders consistently use them. PYMNTS...

Click-and-Mortar™ Shopping Expands by 49% In Brazil
Click-and-Mortar™ Shopping Expands by 49% In Brazil
April 19, 2024  |  VISA

Half of Brazilian consumers are adopting Click-and-Mortar™ shopping strategies, and the country trails only Saudi Arabia in the Click-and-Mortar™ transformation. The approach blends online and...

High Costs Hobble Small Businesses’ Adoption of Instant Payments
High Costs Hobble Small Businesses’ Adoption of Instant Payments
April 18, 2024  |  Money Mobility

Nonrecurring or ad hoc payments remain a significant part of the monthly revenues of small to mid-sized businesses (SMBs). One way that SMBs streamline the...

35% of US Consumers Would Welcome ‘Super App’ to Manage Finances
35% of US Consumers Would Welcome ‘Super App’ to Manage Finances
April 12, 2024  |  Mobile Applications

According to PYMNTS Intelligence, 95 million consumers would welcome a single mobile app to help manage their banking and shopping activities. This is one key...