pymnts tv

Scammers Try to Crash the Gates for Summer’s Hottest Events
Scammers Try to Crash the Gates for Summer’s Hottest Events
July 22, 2024  |  Fraud Prevention

Stadiums and venues across the globe are filling up this summer. From the upcoming 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris to Taylor Swift’s ongoing and record-breaking...

TerraPay: Scaling Cross-Border Payments Means Reducing How Much They Cost
TerraPay: Scaling Cross-Border Payments Means Reducing How Much They Cost
July 22, 2024  |  Cross-border Payments

Innovation within payments and commerce is increasingly centered on fostering global financial interoperability and inclusion. Already, the first half of 2024 has been particularly action-packed...

CarPutty Shifts Gears on How Consumers Finance Their Cars
CarPutty Shifts Gears on How Consumers Finance Their Cars
July 22, 2024  |  Consumer Finance

Outside of their home, or their children’s education, their car is most Americans’ largest purchase. But when it comes to making that purchase, many would-be...

It’s the Network, Not the Rail: Ingo Payments’ Edwards Reflects on FedNow’s First Year
It’s the Network, Not the Rail: Ingo Payments’ Edwards Reflects on FedNow’s First Year
July 19, 2024  |  Real-Time Payments

Anniversaries are a time to reflect, evaluate and to anticipate what lies ahead. And so it is with the FedNow® Service, which celebrates a year...

Beyond the Bank: Bank of America’s Strategic Shift to FinTech Collaboration
Beyond the Bank: Bank of America’s Strategic Shift to FinTech Collaboration
July 19, 2024  |  Partnerships

In a business landscape that moves fast, standing still can be fatal. Digital innovation has sharpened the knife of inertia, and the collaboration between traditional...

Intellicheck CEO: Fraudsters Using AT&T’s Call Log Breach to Build Consumer Profiles
Intellicheck CEO: Fraudsters Using AT&T’s Call Log Breach to Build Consumer Profiles
July 19, 2024  |  Security & Fraud

The right customer data, in the right hands, can have a transformative impact on businesses. But in the wrong hands, the same sensitive information can...

Physical Cards: The Unexpected Frontier in Digital Security
Physical Cards: The Unexpected Frontier in Digital Security
July 18, 2024  |  Authentication

Dr. Adam Lowe, chief product and innovation officer at CompoSecure, hears it all the time from banking executives when the topic is securing payments: “We...

Visa Sees Embedded Finance as Key to B2B Commerce Evolution
Visa Sees Embedded Finance as Key to B2B Commerce Evolution
July 18, 2024  |  VISA

As businesses of all sizes across a multitude of verticals seek more efficient ways to manage payments and working capital, embedded finance is emerging as...

Insurance Industry $500 Billion Digital Shift Driven by Gen Z Expectations
Insurance Industry $500 Billion Digital Shift Driven by Gen Z Expectations
July 17, 2024  |  Digital Payments

As the second half of 2024 unfolds, the insurance sector finds itself in the midst of a profound shift. How profound? According to at least...