pymnts tv

From Sales To Orders And Even Trade Shows, B2B’s Shift To Digital Is Expanding
From Sales To Orders And Even Trade Shows, B2B’s Shift To Digital Is Expanding
July 27, 2021  |  B2B Payments

With Zoom meetings replacing in-person business conferences and virtual events replacing the physical trade show, the way B2B organizations interact and transact with business customers...

Rampant Check Fraud Problem Puts The Challenge In Challenger Banks
Rampant Check Fraud Problem Puts The Challenge In Challenger Banks
July 26, 2021  |  Security & Fraud

What is a bank? Seems like a simple enough question, but in an era of digital-only challenger banks with lofty valuations and purpose-built missions and...

Surging In-Office And Online Doctor Visits Fuel Demand For ‘Hybrid Healthcare’ ID Solutions
Surging In-Office And Online Doctor Visits Fuel Demand For ‘Hybrid Healthcare’ ID Solutions
July 26, 2021  |  Authentication

If you’re reading this and you’ve been through the massive shift wrought by COVID-19, you’ve likely been to, or arranged, a telehealth appointment with a...

Get Ready For ‘Micro-Identities’; The Biggest Little Thing In ID Protection
Get Ready For ‘Micro-Identities’; The Biggest Little Thing In ID Protection
July 23, 2021  |  Identity

In the age of eCommerce, the rise of the digital front doors, the super-apps that connect us to any number of financial and everyday activities...

Biden’s Banking Order Backs Data Accessibility, But The Portability Debate Remains Unsettled
Biden’s Banking Order Backs Data Accessibility, But The Portability Debate Remains Unsettled
July 23, 2021  |  Data

In financial services, the push for data portability is nothing new. Glenn Geil, senior vice president and head of payments for the Americas at Endava,...

Fastly Says Edge Cloud Computing Is Best Way For FIs To Get Up Close And Personal
Fastly Says Edge Cloud Computing Is Best Way For FIs To Get Up Close And...
July 23, 2021  |  Cloud Banking

For innovation within financial services, being leading edge — and cutting-edge — means, well, moving to the edge. So says Cassandra Dixon, senior manager, solutions...

Down But Not Out: Paper Checks Are Still Catnip For Fraudsters
Down But Not Out: Paper Checks Are Still Catnip For Fraudsters
July 23, 2021  |  Security & Fraud

If you’d have asked anyone 10 years ago about the state of the paper check in 2021, the answer might have come back in a...

Carpe Datum: Banks Must Seize Data Advantage To Cross-Sell Insurance Or Get Left Behind
Carpe Datum: Banks Must Seize Data Advantage To Cross-Sell Insurance Or Get Left Behind
July 23, 2021  |  Digital-First Banking

Banks have a natural advantage when it comes to offering their customers insurance products. According to Cover Genius’ Vice President Strategic Partnerships, EMEA Daniel Poole,...

Auto Dealers Face Gap Between Tight Risk Management And Comfy Customer Experience
Auto Dealers Face Gap Between Tight Risk Management And Comfy Customer Experience
July 22, 2021  |  Security & Fraud

“Everyone’s at risk — and everyone’s a target.” To that end, Mark Luber, chief product officer at Equifax, told Karen Webster that in an increasingly...