pymnts tv

Circle’s Jeremy Allaire: Cryptocurrencies Are Not A Zero-Sum Game
Circle’s Jeremy Allaire: Cryptocurrencies Are Not A Zero-Sum Game
June 25, 2021  |  Cryptocurrency

Digital currencies are not an all-or-none, zero-sum endeavor. So says Jeremy Allaire, CEO of Circle, who told Karen Webster that there’s plenty of room for...

Onfido: Biometrics Build A More Accessible And Inclusive Financial Future
Onfido: Biometrics Build A More Accessible And Inclusive Financial Future
June 25, 2021  |  Security & Fraud

With the right tools, a trained locksmith can open a locked door in a matter of seconds. But the ease and speed with which this...

Digital Receipts Seen As FI, Consumer Commerce Game Changer
Digital Receipts Seen As FI, Consumer Commerce Game Changer
June 24, 2021  |  eCommerce

Digital commerce may be happening at the speed of light — but too often, the receipts we get for all those things we buy leave...

B2B Fashion Marketplace Adds Payments To Meet Industry Changes
B2B Fashion Marketplace Adds Payments To Meet Industry Changes
June 24, 2021  |  Retail

Back before the digital-first economy became a primary force, brick-and-mortar retailers staked their claim to the curious customer on their windows. In fact, as global...

Stripe’s John Collison: The Best Of The Connected Future Is Still To Come
Stripe’s John Collison: The Best Of The Connected Future Is Still To Come
June 24, 2021  |  Commerce Connected

When Stripe President and Co-founder John Collison and PYMNTS Karen Webster were contemplating the future of the Connected Economy, they recalled the past, specifically 2005...

Smart Data And AI Use Can ‘Nudge’ Customers To Better Offers
Smart Data And AI Use Can ‘Nudge’ Customers To Better Offers
June 24, 2021  |  Digital Payments

Data, in a way, exists as a currency. Customers are willing to trade it, especially when they’re prompted with a nudge and the right reward....

Better Data Solves Subscription Commerce’s Growing False Declines Problem
Better Data Solves Subscription Commerce’s Growing False Declines Problem
June 23, 2021  |  Subscriptions

While fraud and data hacks get a lot of attention, the inverse problem of lost sales due to false declines is equally costly yet garners...

Agreement Express CFO: B2B Finance Chiefs Must Lead By Example
Agreement Express CFO: B2B Finance Chiefs Must Lead By Example
June 23, 2021  |  B2B Payments

Modernizing the back office can take many forms. For many finance leaders spearheading these initiatives, the process is all about adopting technology to automate processes...

COVID-Hardened Businesses Will Lead Post-Pandemic Connected Economy
COVID-Hardened Businesses Will Lead Post-Pandemic Connected Economy
June 23, 2021  |  Commerce Connected

To focus only on the outsized impact the coronavirus inflicted on the travel industry would be a mistake, CellPoint Digital CEO Kristian Gjerding told Karen...