pymnts tv

Using Comedy To Create  Connected Experiences For Consumers
Using Comedy To Create Connected Experiences For Consumers
June 11, 2021  |  Commerce Connected

Comedy, one of the most connective forms of entertainment, relies on the relationships built between performer and audience, between club and performer, between club and...

Payments Orchestration Key To Fraud-Proofing Global Platforms
Payments Orchestration Key To Fraud-Proofing Global Platforms
June 11, 2021  |  Security & Fraud

The landscape has been changing for payments fraud thus far in 2021, and that change will continue. Payoneer General Manager of Enterprise Adam Cohen told...

Bank Branches Need To Be More Like Apple Stores
Bank Branches Need To Be More Like Apple Stores
June 10, 2021  |  Digital-First Banking

The pandemic that changed everything is probably the essential truism of the year 2021, a change that can largely be summed up with a single...

Micro Disbursements Drive Major Lift In Loyalty 
Micro Disbursements Drive Major Lift In Loyalty 
June 10, 2021  |  Loyalty & Rewards

We’re in the age of rewards, of being reimbursed in some way for our attention, our feedback, perhaps most of all our loyalty. To get...

Technology Helps Locked-Out Consumers Access Lending
Technology Helps Locked-Out Consumers Access Lending
June 09, 2021  |  Financial Inclusion

The problem of unbanked consumers — those without access to a checking or savings account — has remarkably improved, with over 95 percent of American...

Banks Need To Embrace SMBs Or Lose Them To A FinTech That Does
Banks Need To Embrace SMBs Or Lose Them To A FinTech That Does
June 09, 2021  |  Digital-First Banking

According to PYMNTS’ Making Loyalty Work For Small Businesses produced in collaboration with Pollinate, nearly half of consumers said they think it is critical to...

Nok Nok CEO: Online Customers Give Better Identity Signals Than Fraudsters
Nok Nok CEO: Online Customers Give Better Identity Signals Than Fraudsters
June 09, 2021  |  Identity

As the race toward a passwordless future gains speed and superior security alternatives gain traction, it has become clear that the connected economy will reach...

Stellar: Digital Dollars Are A Financial Tool For Everyone
Stellar: Digital Dollars Are A Financial Tool For Everyone
June 09, 2021  |  Cryptocurrency

The cryptocurrency thrill ride can be exciting to watch. Bitcoin’s peaks and valleys, cryptocurrencies that make a splash and then fizzle out, the rise and...

Why It Took A Pandemic To Bring Healthcare Into The Connected Economy
Why It Took A Pandemic To Bring Healthcare Into The Connected Economy
June 09, 2021  |  Healthcare

It took a pandemic to bring healthcare into the connected economy. Before the pandemic, the ability of a consumer to access a doctor via a...