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ConnectedEconomy™ 2021: Forward Rethinks The Spirit And Intent Of Healthcare
ConnectedEconomy™ 2021: Forward Rethinks The Spirit And Intent Of Healthcare
April 26, 2021  |  Economy

There is perhaps no other sector in which the ConnectedEconomy™ can bring more benefits than in healthcare. The ability to integrate patient records across providers,...

MoffettNathanson’s Lisa Ellis On Why She’s Bullish On Coinbase
MoffettNathanson’s Lisa Ellis On Why She’s Bullish On Coinbase
April 26, 2021  |  IPO

The “Google of the crypto economy” and Netscape 2.0. are just two of the many powerful analogies the Coinbase initial public offering (IPO) garnered on...

ConnectedEconomy™ 2021: PhonePe Addresses Massive Scale Of India’s Digitization
ConnectedEconomy™ 2021: PhonePe Addresses Massive Scale Of India’s Digitization
April 23, 2021  |  Commerce Connected

There’s nothing like a shock to the system to break through inertia and motivate necessary change. The rise of the digital-first economy during the past...

Cross-Border Complexity Requires New Approach For Global B2B Marketplaces
Cross-Border Complexity Requires New Approach For Global B2B Marketplaces
April 23, 2021  |  B2B Payments

For eCommerce retailers of all geographies, sizes and stripes, the world has become their marketplace. As such, it promises limitless scale and opportunity, most of...

Connected Economy: PayPal’s Dan Schulman Settles Into His Role As Catalyst
Connected Economy: PayPal’s Dan Schulman Settles Into His Role As Catalyst
April 22, 2021  |  Commerce Connected

At this point in the connected economy’s lifespan, there are some new but still developing definitions. “Neobank” comes to mind as an online-only financial institution...

Circle CEO: Crypto’s Growth Depends On Improved Settlement Process
Circle CEO: Crypto’s Growth Depends On Improved Settlement Process
April 21, 2021  |  Cryptocurrency

The cryptocurrency drumbeat continues to build. Coinbase has gone public. PayPal and Venmo allow customers to buy, sell and store cryptocurrencies.  Tesla lets consumers use bitcoin...

Digital-First Economy Requires Global View And Local Strategy
Digital-First Economy Requires Global View And Local Strategy
April 21, 2021  |  Digital Payments

More brands are making the digital shift, embracing eCommerce more fully than ever before, allowing them to enter new markets around the globe, across borders...

Healthcare Providers Pick Up The Digital Pace
Healthcare Providers Pick Up The Digital Pace
April 20, 2021  |  Healthcare

It wasn’t a physician who said, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” It was a revolutionary with a second-grade education named...

Peer-To-Peer Payments Present Urgent Fraud Challenges
Peer-To-Peer Payments Present Urgent Fraud Challenges
April 20, 2021  |  Security & Fraud

Faster payments schemes are gaining traction around the globe. Unfortunately, so are the fraudsters. As recent PYMNTS research on the topic shows, some financial institutions...