pymnts tv

J.P. Morgan Details The 6 Trends Shaping Corporate Treasurers’ Futures
J.P. Morgan Details The 6 Trends Shaping Corporate Treasurers’ Futures
February 22, 2021  |  Innovation

It’s been nearly a year of roller coaster-style shifts in the global economy that have tested corporate treasurers’ ability to remain agile, responsive and proactive....

Old Guard vs. Vanguard: Banks, FinTechs, Big Tech Duke It Out Over Digital-First
Old Guard vs. Vanguard: Banks, FinTechs, Big Tech Duke It Out Over Digital-First
February 17, 2021  |  Digital Banking

Digital-first is the mantra of the moment in commerce. Payments are being reconfigured and rewired, creating commerce ecosystems that move with consumers across channels. In...

Flipping The Script: Care Now, Pay Later (CNPL) Does For Doctors What BNPL Did For Retailers
Flipping The Script: Care Now, Pay Later (CNPL) Does For Doctors What BNPL Did For...
February 17, 2021  |  Healthcare

The idea of spreading payments over time is not new in healthcare — certain practitioners, such as orthodontists, have successfully offered buy now, pay later...

Partner Or Compete? Banks Can Take Hybrid Approach With FinTech Innovation
Partner Or Compete? Banks Can Take Hybrid Approach With FinTech Innovation
February 17, 2021  |  Digital Banking

In a mid-January conference call with analysts, J.P. Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon told analysts that his firm, and other banks, should be scared “s—tless”...

Building A Better Business Banking Experience Goes Beyond New Services
Building A Better Business Banking Experience Goes Beyond New Services
February 16, 2021  |  B2B Payments

For decades, business banking has remained on a steady, straight path. Financial institutions (FIs) were required to provide foundational products and services, like moving and...

Restaurants Look Back At 2020 To Write 2021’s Playbook
Restaurants Look Back At 2020 To Write 2021’s Playbook
February 15, 2021  |  Restaurant Roundup

For almost a year now, restaurants have been struggling. Amid widespread closures and job losses, there were times when it seemed difficult to have hope...

Hide And Seek: Geolocation Helps Uncover Fraudsters’ Identities
Hide And Seek: Geolocation Helps Uncover Fraudsters’ Identities
February 11, 2021  |  Security & Fraud

Fraudsters follow the money. Take, for example, the Super Bowl. About half of all Americans were expected to place some kind of wager on the...

Payroc: Credit Card Surcharge Momentum Spreads To Healthcare
Payroc: Credit Card Surcharge Momentum Spreads To Healthcare
February 10, 2021  |  Payment Methods

With 45 states now allowing merchants to pass along fees of up to 4 percent for the use of credit cards, the switch to so-called...

Getting Consumers Back Into The Grocery Store
Getting Consumers Back Into The Grocery Store
February 09, 2021  |  Retail

Digital grocery shopping has become the norm for many consumers during the pandemic, but the question remains: What will the grocery industry look like in,...