
Regulation is an abstract concept of management of complex systems according to a set of rules and trends. In systems theory, these types of rules exist in various fields of biology and society, but the term has slightly different meanings according to context.


Deep Dive: How High Costs And Slow Processing Times Impede Remittances
Deep Dive: How High Costs And Slow Processing Times Impede Remittances
June 10, 2020  |  Smarter Payments

The World Bank projects that $572 billion will be sent from migrant workers to their families abroad in 2020. These payments affect the day-to-day lives...

The EU’s COVID-19 Contactless Limit — Too Little, Too Late?
The EU’s COVID-19 Contactless Limit — Too Little, Too Late?
June 05, 2020  |  Bank Regulation

Financial institutions (FIs) in the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom are still thinking positively about open banking even as the COVID-19 pandemic creates...

Why ‘Dining Out’ Is About To Become A Much More Literal Term
Why ‘Dining Out’ Is About To Become A Much More Literal Term
May 23, 2020  |  Coronavirus

Memorial Day weekend is upon us – which means here in the United States, summer is officially setting up to begin. Sort of. With the outbreak...

Warren, Mnuchin Clash Over PPP
Warren, Mnuchin Clash Over PPP
May 19, 2020  |  Loans

In the most contentious moments of the Senate Banking Committee’s inquiry into the $2 trillion CARES Act on Tuesday (May 19), Sen. Elizabeth Warren clashed...

Warren Calls For Prosecution Of Bailout Program Fraudsters
Warren Calls For Prosecution Of Bailout Program Fraudsters
May 19, 2020  |  Regulation

U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) wants the Federal Reserve Bank to draw up stringent regulations for corporate recipients of U.S. bailout funds – and to...

Deep Dive: How The COVID-19 Virus Is Impacting The Online Gambling Industry
Deep Dive: How The COVID-19 Virus Is Impacting The Online Gambling Industry
May 08, 2020  |  Disbursements

Financial uncertainties following layoffs and furloughs have made many U.S. consumers more frugal, but other individuals are still turning to retail therapy to cope with...

Online Gambling: Why Disbursement Options Are Not Keeping Up With Customer Expectations
Online Gambling: Why Disbursement Options Are Not Keeping Up With Customer Expectations
May 07, 2020  |  Disbursements

Consumers have turned to online gambling platforms to try their luck at games of chance since casinos remain closed. But while players at physical locations...

California Won’t Open Restaurants Right Now After All
California Won’t Open Restaurants Right Now After All
May 04, 2020  |  Retail

California Gov. Gavin Newsom recently described the future of restaurant dining in the Golden State thusly: “[You] may be having dinner with a waiter wearing...