
Regulation is an abstract concept of management of complex systems according to a set of rules and trends. In systems theory, these types of rules exist in various fields of biology and society, but the term has slightly different meanings according to context.


The Divided States Of Public Opinion On FinServ Regulation
The Divided States Of Public Opinion On FinServ Regulation
March 07, 2017  |  Regulation

That financial regulation is divisive among legislators is not exactly a big revelation. Any quick survey of the comments from House or Senate members after...

New York Upgrades Cybersecurity Regulations For Finance
New York Upgrades Cybersecurity Regulations For Finance
March 01, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

In the ever changing and increasingly connected technology age, the amount of vulnerable information regarding financial details is becoming somewhat insurmountable. One organization in the...

Rep. Hensarling Leaked Memo Shows He’s Gearing Up To Weaken CFPB
Rep. Hensarling Leaked Memo Shows He’s Gearing Up To Weaken CFPB
February 13, 2017  |  CFPB

Representative Jeb Hensarling, the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, is gearing up to move ahead with legislation that would greatly weaken the Consumer...

‘Think Locally’ Takes On New Meaning For X-Border Merchants
‘Think Locally’ Takes On New Meaning For X-Border Merchants
February 13, 2017  |  Cross Border Commerce

What does it really mean to “act locally?” For merchants doing international commerce, adjusting to various country regulations can be confusing. For the February X-Border...

NEW REPORT: ‘Act Local’ Taking On New Meaning For X-Border Merchants
NEW REPORT: ‘Act Local’ Taking On New Meaning For X-Border Merchants
February 10, 2017  |  Cross Border Commerce

As more companies engage in trade across borders, new partnerships and data insights are emerging as a result of the international interactions. Businesses are entering...

Building A Healthy eCommerce Business In Brazil
Building A Healthy eCommerce Business In Brazil
February 10, 2017  |  Business

From political strife to the Olympics snafu, Brazil’s last decade has been a rollercoaster ride. But there could be hope on the way, with recent...

NEW REPORT: Will Business Boom Again In Brazil?
NEW REPORT: Will Business Boom Again In Brazil?
February 09, 2017  |  Business

From political strife to the Olympics snafu, Brazil’s last decade has been a rollercoaster ride. But there could be hope on the way, with recent...

Bank Stocks Rally Amid Regulatory Rollback
Bank Stocks Rally Amid Regulatory Rollback
February 03, 2017  |  Investments

The showdown over bank regulations may finally be here. And bank stocks are on an upward tear as a result. As reported by Forbes, the...

Taking On India’s Payments Opportunity
Taking On India’s Payments Opportunity
January 05, 2017  |  Business

With a massive population, economic growth and business-friendly regulations, India holds plenty of potential for business. But the country is experiencing serious shifts – PYMNTS...