
Regulation is an abstract concept of management of complex systems according to a set of rules and trends. In systems theory, these types of rules exist in various fields of biology and society, but the term has slightly different meanings according to context.


PayPal Isn’t Worried About Increased Regulation Coming To Techland
PayPal Isn’t Worried About Increased Regulation Coming To Techland
April 16, 2018  |  Regulation

The prospect of increased regulation may be worrying the likes of Facebook, Google and Twitter – but for PayPal, it would be nothing new. In...

Socure CEO: Facebook’s Big Data Fix
Socure CEO: Facebook’s Big Data Fix
April 02, 2018  |  Facebook

It is easy to overlook the incredible power of Facebook, Sunil Madhu, CEO of Socure, told Karen Webster. But with two billion users – a...

Massachusetts Regulator Halts ICO Sales By Five Crypto Firms
Massachusetts Regulator Halts ICO Sales By Five Crypto Firms
March 28, 2018  |  Bitcoin

The Secretary of the Commonwealth in Massachusetts has stopped five firms from conducting initial coin offerings (ICOs) for cryptocurrencies in the state. According to Reuters,...

Apple CEO Wants Stronger Privacy Laws
Apple CEO Wants Stronger Privacy Laws
March 26, 2018  |  Apple

In the aftermath of Facebook’s data scandal, Apple CEO Tim Cook is calling for stronger privacy regulations for tech companies. According to The Verge, Cook...

Why Facebook’s Business Model Isn’t Its Biggest Problem
Why Facebook’s Business Model Isn’t Its Biggest Problem
March 23, 2018  |  Facebook

About 20 years before Julius Caesar overthrew the Roman Republic and became the first Emperor of the Roman Empire, he was elected to the position...

France Wants To Create ICO Framework To Lure Startups Its Way
France Wants To Create ICO Framework To Lure Startups Its Way
March 22, 2018  |  Cryptocurrency

In an effort to lure more FinTechs its way, France is working on a regulatory framework that would enable startups to raise funding via cryptocurrencies....

UK To Create Crypto Task Force As Part Of FinTech Initiative
UK To Create Crypto Task Force As Part Of FinTech Initiative
March 22, 2018  |  Cryptocurrency

The U.K. is gearing up to delve more into the world of cryptocurrencies by announcing a new task force that will look at the benefits...

Wells Fargo To Face New Sanctions Over Auto Insurance Scandal
Wells Fargo To Face New Sanctions Over Auto Insurance Scandal
March 15, 2018  |  Regulation

Wells Fargo is expected to be slapped with sanctions over auto insurance policy commissions after making thousands of people take on auto insurance they didn’t...

Senator Warren Warns Regulatory Relief Bill Will Cause Fresh Round of Bailouts
Senator Warren Warns Regulatory Relief Bill Will Cause Fresh Round of Bailouts
March 12, 2018  |  Regulation

Senator Elizabeth Warren said over the weekend that a bill that would provide relief from the regulation placed on the banking industry after the financial...