restaurant roundup

Restaurant Roundup: COVID Concerns Pervade As Diners Return to Bars
Restaurant Roundup: COVID Concerns Pervade As Diners Return to Bars
July 30, 2021  |  Restaurant Roundup

With COVID-19 cases once again on the rise, mass concern over the spread of the Delta variant and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...

Restaurant Roundup: Vaxxing And Unmasking As COVID Restrictions End
Restaurant Roundup: Vaxxing And Unmasking As COVID Restrictions End
May 21, 2021  |  Restaurant Roundup

As state mask mandates and COVID-era restrictions start to expire, the nation’s vast QSR industry is leading the way with innovative ways to entice customers...

Restaurant Roundup: Relief Is On The Way
Restaurant Roundup: Relief Is On The Way
March 12, 2021  |  Restaurant Roundup

The American Rescue Plan, the $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill that includes $28.6 billion in restaurant relief, was signed into law on Thursday (March 11),...