
Mobile Shopping Becomes A Larger Piece Of The Pie
Mobile Shopping Becomes A Larger Piece Of The Pie
July 26, 2016  |  eCommerce

In case retailers and merchants need more evidence about the power of mobile, Demandware, the eCommerce software company acquired by Salesforce earlier this month, has...

Shopify CEO Doesn’t Think Retailers Can Take On Amazon
Shopify CEO Doesn’t Think Retailers Can Take On Amazon
July 15, 2016  |  Retail

Amazon has displaced many traditional retailers, leading everyone to wonder how anyone can compete. According to Shopify Cofounder and CEO Tobias Lütke, they really can’t. Speaking...

Retailers Stocking Less Inventory In Hopes Of Increasing Profits
Retailers Stocking Less Inventory In Hopes Of Increasing Profits
June 29, 2016  |  Retail

As more and more retailers try to figure out how to serve their growing online customer base while also keeping costs under control at their brick-and-mortar...

Retailers Push For Chip-And-PIN
Retailers Push For Chip-And-PIN
November 02, 2015  |  News

The push for enhanced payments security is getting a bit contentious, Reuters reported Friday (Oct. 30), especially in relation to chip-and-PIN. The newswire said that...