In today’s top news in digital-first banking, Revolut is rolling out a new feature to encourage youth to stash cash, while the Bank of Korea...
Revolut is rolling out a new tool called Goals for its Junior savings card and app that encourages youth to stash away money. The app’s...
One of Europe’s largest brokerage firms is offering crypto trading services in Australia. Revolut Ltd., the London-based startup mobile bank, announced Thursday (Sept. 3) that Aussie customers...
Revolut Ltd., the British financial technology (FinTech) company, has introduced what it describes as a simple way to track, split and settle expenses instantly, in one place....
Revolut’s website promises to deliver “All your money needs in one app.” With its losses mounting, the London-based digital bank may need to tap into...
It’s the end of the work week, and the PYMNTS Weekender is here to make sure you didn’t miss anything with the latest in payments...
In today’s top news, Amazon will expand its Amazon Fresh delivery service in the U.K., and Mastercard and the Bank of Shanghai have expanded cross-border...
FinTech Revolut is working with Decision Tech, a price-comparison technology company, to launch a new service to help users compare — and switch — providers of...
Banking veteran Richard Davies is leaving his role as CEO of banking at digital-banking shop Revolut, one year after coming aboard to bring his seasoned...