Richard Cordray

Surprise Edition: Amex, Hackers And Starbucks E-Commerce Sign-Off
Surprise Edition: Amex, Hackers And Starbucks E-Commerce Sign-Off
August 28, 2017  |  Data Dive

Last week’s news cycle was all about surprises. Hurricane Harvey blew into the coast of Mexico as a “blob of weather systems” and instead snuck...

CFPB Rails Against Costly Pay-By-Phone Fees
CFPB Rails Against Costly Pay-By-Phone Fees
August 01, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau warned companies  Monday (July 31) about  tricking consumers into expensive pay-by-phone fees. In a press release the government watchdog said...

Trump Outside Advisor Wants CFPB’s Cordray Fired
Trump Outside Advisor Wants CFPB’s Cordray Fired
July 31, 2017  |  Bank Regulation

An outside advisor to President Donald J. Trump, Corey Lewandowski, said Sunday (July 30) that Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Director Richard Cordray should be...

Second Thoughts: CFPB And Prepaid Card Rules
Second Thoughts: CFPB And Prepaid Card Rules
June 20, 2017  |  CFPB

Despite industry concerns — and a potential congressional challenge — the new CFPB prepaid card regulations looked full steam ahead to go into effect on...

Dodd-Frank Rollback Tops Regulatory Landscape
Dodd-Frank Rollback Tops Regulatory Landscape
June 12, 2017  |  Bank Regulation

Big picture thinking dominated news surrounding financial services and payments regulations this past week. In the U.K., a contentious election brought “hard” and “soft” Brexit into...

House Committee Threatens CFPB’s Cordray With Contempt Charges
House Committee Threatens CFPB’s Cordray With Contempt Charges
June 08, 2017  |  CFPB

In another salvo lobbed by Congress and, specifically, Republicans toward the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), the House Financial Services Committee is, as The American...

The CFPB’s Fact Finding Into SMB Lending (And Why Bankers Are Worried)
The CFPB’s Fact Finding Into SMB Lending (And Why Bankers Are Worried)
May 30, 2017  |  CFPB

After seven years of offering close scrutiny to any and all aspects of consumer lending — mortgage underwriting, car loans, short-term lending, credit cards, debt collection,...

CFPB Has Its Day In Court
CFPB Has Its Day In Court
May 25, 2017  |  CFPB

Constitutional after all? The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau got a win (and depending on which side of the argument you favor, so did consumers) when...