risk management

How myPOS Helped EU’s SMBs Jump The Shark On Cash
How myPOS Helped EU’s SMBs Jump The Shark On Cash
August 30, 2018  |  SMBs

When myPOS launched in 2014, cash was still mostly king among small businesses. In fact, as Andrew Byrne, COO at myPOS, told Karen Webster, in...

Tide CEO: Why SMBs Need Their Own Bank
Tide CEO: Why SMBs Need Their Own Bank
August 27, 2018  |  SMBs

Small business (SMBs) are distinct from other customer groups, Tide CEO Dr. Oliver Prill told Karen Webster during this week’s Monday Conversation, with a specific set of product and service needs...

Navigating The New World Of Digital Trust
Navigating The New World Of Digital Trust
August 27, 2018  |  Data

It is often a flexible, rarely precise concept, around which centuries of philosophical, political and artistic debates have revolved: trust. In business (specifically digital business...

Why It’s Time To Stop Making FX The Corporate Earnings Scapegoat
Why It’s Time To Stop Making FX The Corporate Earnings Scapegoat
August 24, 2018  |  Economy

Consider it the new normal. Consider it a rollercoaster ride. Consider it a reason to drink, down antacids or aspirin, or crawl under the covers...

Can Digital Payments Reduce Risk For The Seafood Industry?
Can Digital Payments Reduce Risk For The Seafood Industry?
August 17, 2018  |  Digital Payments

The journey of seafood from ocean to table is one of constant danger for the people who make up the fishing industry. Refrigeration technology can...

Economists Warn Of Impending Corporate Debt Bubble Burst
Economists Warn Of Impending Corporate Debt Bubble Burst
August 13, 2018  |  B2B Payments

Data released from S&P Global in June pinpointed U.S. corporate debt at reaching $6.3 trillion, with a record-low cash-to-debt ratio of 12 percent in 2017...

SMBs’ FX Woes Thrown Back In The Spotlight By Amex Allegations
SMBs’ FX Woes Thrown Back In The Spotlight By Amex Allegations
July 31, 2018  |  B2B Payments

Allegations that American Express secretly hiked foreign exchange rates for small business customers is thrusting the challenges and points of friction that entrepreneurs face with...

Netflix’s Failure With Hedging Provides Lessons For Digital Players
Netflix’s Failure With Hedging Provides Lessons For Digital Players
July 30, 2018  |  Risk Management

What’s good for the U.S. dollar was not good for Netflix in the second quarter, and the company’s experience (or lack thereof) with currency hedging...