How Real-Time Request-For-Payment Features Can Ease Cash Flow Strains
How Real-Time Request-For-Payment Features Can Ease Cash Flow Strains
February 22, 2021  |  Faster Payments

Late payments can sink businesses, but there is a fix: request-for-payment that allows consumers to pay and billers to instantly receive funds. Hisham Salama, executive...

Banks See New Opportunity To Close The Consumer Payment, Merchant Settlement Speed Gap
Banks See New Opportunity To Close The Consumer Payment, Merchant Settlement Speed Gap
February 16, 2021  |  Consumer Payments

Consumers have been broadening their horizons during the pandemic — trying out new hobbies, retailers and even payment methods. Tools such as mobile wallets or...

TCH’s Waterhouse: Real-Time Payments’ 2021 Focus Is On Smarter, Safer
TCH’s Waterhouse: Real-Time Payments’ 2021 Focus Is On Smarter, Safer
January 26, 2021  |  Payment Methods

Nearly a year of trial-by-fire, pandemic-era learning within the payments business has not only provided some great lessons but has also set the stage for...

RTP Picks Up Pace With Corporates, While CBDCs Raise Banker Doubts
RTP Picks Up Pace With Corporates, While CBDCs Raise Banker Doubts
January 14, 2021  |  B2B Payments

The Clearing House’s real-time payments offering, the RTP® network, continues to gather steam with financial institutions (FIs), FinTechs and their business customers in this week’s...

Deep Dive: How Small FIs Use Third Parties, Gradual Integrations To Guide New Payment Rail Adoptions
Deep Dive: How Small FIs Use Third Parties, Gradual Integrations To Guide New Payment Rail...
December 31, 2020  |  Faster Payments

The demand for faster payments is growing as companies look for swift, data-rich ways to transact. One study from 2019 found that 54 percent of...

Mastercard’s Jess Turner: Pandemic Aside, Consumers Call The Shots
Mastercard’s Jess Turner: Pandemic Aside, Consumers Call The Shots
December 30, 2020  |  Consumer Payments

If there’s a word that captures the state of financial services in 2020, it’s “acceleration.” Between the explosion of the digital economy driven by the...

Today In Digital-First Banking: Fiserv To Buy FinTech Ondot Systems; ESL Federal Now Live On RTP Network
Today In Digital-First Banking: Fiserv To Buy FinTech Ondot Systems; ESL Federal Now Live On...
December 17, 2020  |  Digital Banking

In today’s top news in digital-first banking, Fiserv has signed a definitive deal to purchase Ondot Systems, while Welcome Technologies has chosen payments credit union service...

Real-Time Payments Go Live At ESL Federal Credit Union
Real-Time Payments Go Live At ESL Federal Credit Union
December 17, 2020  |  Credit Unions

ESL Federal Credit Union, through a team effort with other organizations, has gone live with real-time payments on the RTP network. ESL has more than...

J.P. Morgan: Corporates Now Comfortable With Payments In The Fast Lane
J.P. Morgan: Corporates Now Comfortable With Payments In The Fast Lane
December 10, 2020  |  Payments Innovation

At a time when pretty much everyone is longing for a return to normalcy and the way life used to be, at least one top...