Safe Superintelligence

This Week in AI: Google DeepMind; Anthropic’s LLM; and OpenAI Co-Founder Starts Again
This Week in AI: Google DeepMind; Anthropic’s LLM; and OpenAI Co-Founder Starts Again
June 21, 2024  |  artificial intelligence

From Google DeepMind’s video-to-audio tool transforming content creation to Nvidia’s Omniverse Cloud Sensor RTX accelerating self-driving car development, the AI landscape is buzzing with advancements....

Safe Superintelligence’s Launch Spotlights OpenAI Roots
Safe Superintelligence’s Launch Spotlights OpenAI Roots
June 20, 2024  |  artificial intelligence

Ilya Sutskever, co-founder and former chief scientist of OpenAI, has launched Safe Superintelligence Inc. (SSI), a new artificial intelligence (AI) company focused on creating a...

OpenAI Co-Founder Ilya Sutskever Starts New AI Firm, Safe Superintelligence
OpenAI Co-Founder Ilya Sutskever Starts New AI Firm, Safe Superintelligence
June 19, 2024  |  artificial intelligence

OpenAI’s former science chief/co-founder is launching his own artificial intelligence (AI) company. Ilya Sutskever, who stepped down from the ChatGPT-maker last month, announced the launch...