Nearly two decades ago, Disney debuted its “Smart House” movie in which a young boy wins a computerized home. At the time, it may have felt...
Apple’s market share of the Chinese smartphone market fell last quarter, putting the company at risk of falling out of the top five smartphone vendors in...
Bixby, according to the team at Samsung, is debugged and ready for mass introduction in the U.S. Bixby has apparently learned to speak English —...
Money makes the world go around, and there’s certainly no disputing that issue. Without regular rounds of fundraising, it would probably be very difficult to...
Samsung’s venture capital arm has announced it will use a $150 million global funding round to invest in Europe’s startup scene. CNBC reported news that...
A literal big deal, global in scope, dominates the Data Dive. Oh, and there was some hacking to boot. Of devices and cryptocurrency exchanges. It...
Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, and Android Pay all debuted in Taiwan this spring, but Visa still thinks there’s untapped opportunity in this seemingly saturated market:...
Samsung Electronics recently announced that operating profits saw record highs in the second quarter, buoyed by surging prices for memory chips. Operating profits gained 72...
To Bixby or not to Bixby, that is the question – and long after Amazon and Google released their voice-activated assistants and synchronized smart speakers,...