Card-not-present (CNP) transactions are rising as consumers lean heavily on digital channels to meet their needs during the ongoing pandemic. Fraudsters are eager to steal...
With so much highbrow industry chatter about topics like payments fraud detection, it’s good to remember that this is actual crime-fighting. On the FBI’s Cyber...
Fraudsters and financial institutions (FIs) are constantly evolving to best each other, and growth in synthetic ID fraud is revealing that many banks must enhance...
Consumers want a speedy, Amazon-like experience when creating accounts with their banks, but keeping fraudsters from slipping in among genuine users can be a challenge....
Synthetic identity fraud is costing companies heavily, with $14.7 billion lost to this type of crime in 2018 alone. This is a particularly subtle and...
Petabytes of compromised personal information and card data are being commoditized for sale on the dark web, ushering in an era of what’s being called...
Account takeovers (ATOs) are a growing source of pain for financial institutions (FIs) and their customers, with losses from these attacks rising 164 percent in...
Much has been said about the viability of biometrics for guarding against bad actors, but financial institutions (FIs) cannot simply assume that all of their...
Banks have been facing a concerning rise in account takeover (ATO) attacks targeting their customers, with financial institutions (FIs) losses due to such schemes rising...