Singles Day

Singles day or Guanggun Jie is a shopping holiday popular among young Chinese people that celebrate their pride in being single. The date, November 11, was chosen because the number "1" resembles an individual who is alone.
Alibaba’s Bright Outlook
Alibaba’s Bright Outlook
November 02, 2017  |  Earnings

Alibaba pleased Wall Street with Q3 earnings figures coming in over expectations and a revised outlook for full-year growth denoting a highly positive perspective on...

Chinese Consumer Group Alleges Singles’ Day Discount Fraud
Chinese Consumer Group Alleges Singles’ Day Discount Fraud
December 14, 2016  |  Security & Fraud

A Chinese consumer group is urging the government to investigate fraudulent discount offers from this past Singles’ Day. The Chinese state-backed group alleges that some...

PYMNTS Daily Data Dive: Alibaba’s Record-Breaking Day
PYMNTS Daily Data Dive: Alibaba’s Record-Breaking Day
November 15, 2016  |  Daily Data Dive

Singles’ Day has come and gone. But before it passed, online retail giant Alibaba set new records. Alibaba reportedly earned $17.8 billion in gross merchandise...

Michael Kors Runs Singles’ Day WeChat Campaign
Michael Kors Runs Singles’ Day WeChat Campaign
November 14, 2016  |  Retail

The world’s largest online sale got more attention than ever this year, with roughly $18 billion in total sales. Michael Kors ran a Singles’ Day...

Alibaba Singles’ Day Results Blow Past Shopping Record
Alibaba Singles’ Day Results Blow Past Shopping Record
November 14, 2016  |  eCommerce

Singles’ Day used to be about young Chinese singles celebrating an anti-Valentine’s Day, but since 2009, it has become big business for Alibaba, particularly this...

Singles’ Day Swings For The Fences
Singles’ Day Swings For The Fences
November 11, 2016  |  Retail

At the halfway mark yesterday (Nov. 10), it was getting clear that Singles’ Day was going to have another very good year. Around 12 hours...

PYMNTS Daily Data Dive: Singles’ Day Madness!
PYMNTS Daily Data Dive: Singles’ Day Madness!
November 09, 2016  |  Daily Data Dive

Upcoming Singles’ Day 2016 sees major retailers under close monitoring by China’s SAIC. There’s a lot of money at stake. Since starting Singles’ Day sales...

Alibaba, Amazon And Others Cautioned Ahead Of Singles’ Day
Alibaba, Amazon And Others Cautioned Ahead Of Singles’ Day
November 08, 2016  |  Retail

China’s State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) has warned retailers that it will be monitoring sales practices during Singles’ Day (Nov. 11), according to...