small business lenders

PayPal (Maybe) Pulls Ahead Of The SMB Lending Pack
PayPal (Maybe) Pulls Ahead Of The SMB Lending Pack
April 29, 2019  |  B2B Payments

With first-quarter earnings reports rolling out, it’s time to take a look at the state of small businesses and how they fared for the first...

SMB Satisfaction With Alt Lenders Wanes
SMB Satisfaction With Alt Lenders Wanes
April 22, 2019  |  Loans

Might banks be making inroads into the hearts and minds of smaller firms as they seek out capital – as some SMBs cite at least some...

Merchant Cash Advance Firms In NY AG’s Crosshairs
Merchant Cash Advance Firms In NY AG’s Crosshairs
December 04, 2018  |  Alternative Finances

The NY AG is looking into how state courts are a weapon against small business owners, who sign documents that allow merchant cash advance firms...