
Social Finance, Inc. is an American online personal finance company that provides student loan refinancing, mortgages and personal loans.


SoFi Moves Closer to Expansion Plans With $500 Million Round Of Funding
SoFi Moves Closer to Expansion Plans With $500 Million Round Of Funding
February 27, 2017  |  Investments

SoFi, an online finance company providing student loan refinancing, mortgages, personal loans and more, announced last week it has entered into an agreement for $500...

SoFi Looks For $500M To Expand Lending Services
SoFi Looks For $500M To Expand Lending Services
February 17, 2017  |  Investments

Social Finance, or SoFi for short, is nearing an agreement to raise as much as $500 million in a new venture capital funding round, Bloomberg...

Facebook Sizzles, Stocks Fizzle And Corporate America Proves We Can Be Friends
Facebook Sizzles, Stocks Fizzle And Corporate America Proves We Can Be Friends
February 03, 2017  |  Sizzle/Fizzle

Amid earnings season, it’s tough to keep track of who is up and who is down. The stock market is a scorecard, redone on a...

SoFi Buys Zenbanx To Expand Beyond Loans
SoFi Buys Zenbanx To Expand Beyond Loans
February 02, 2017  |  Payment Methods

SoFi, the online lender that started out refinancing student loans, has inked a deal to acquire Zenbanx, a fintech company that gives SoFi the ability...

SoFi To Start Selling Life Insurance
SoFi To Start Selling Life Insurance
October 31, 2016  |  Alternative Finances

SoFi, the online lender, is moving ahead with plans to roll out a life insurance product, reportedly acquiring licenses and inking a deal with Protective...

SoFi Aims At A $500M Funding Round
SoFi Aims At A $500M Funding Round
September 08, 2016  |  Investments

Online lender Social Finance, Inc. (SoFi) has clearly decided to embrace the “go big or go home” mantra with its latest push for funding in the...

Can SoFi Be New School And Old Fashioned At The Same Time?
Can SoFi Be New School And Old Fashioned At The Same Time?
July 19, 2016  |  Alternative Finances

While the vast and various online lenders all offer unique variations on value propositions – if one were to try to unite them all under...

Why SoFi Has Changed Its Tune
Why SoFi Has Changed Its Tune
July 13, 2016  |  Alternative Finances

Will Social Finance shed its upstart ways and become more like a bank? The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday (July 12) that the online...