
How To Feed The Fraud Fighting Machine
How To Feed The Fraud Fighting Machine
June 22, 2017  |  CEO Series

How do machines learn to learn? In Episode Three of PYMNTS’ machine learning podcast, Socure CEO Sunil Madhu and PYMNTS CEO Karen Webster get technical...

Fighting Fraud By Not Focusing On It
Fighting Fraud By Not Focusing On It
June 22, 2017  |  Fraud Prevention

Machine learning can help find real cyber transaction fraud while letting the “good” payments go through. TSYS’ EVP Karim Ahmad and Featurespace CEO Martina King...

Switching Rent Payments From Analog To Digital
Switching Rent Payments From Analog To Digital
June 21, 2017  |  Matchmakers

While the world of payments has mostly gone online – rent remains stubbornly analog in the age of digital. According to a recent Zillow study,...

Getting Skinny With It: SMBs And The Cost of Payments
Getting Skinny With It: SMBs And The Cost of Payments
June 20, 2017  |  Data Drivers

Our latest Data Drivers finds Karen Webster chewing the fat with Suneera Madhani, CEO and founder of Fattmerchant. The skinny? How to slim down those processing...

NetPlus And Winning The Battle Against Cash In The Developing World
NetPlus And Winning The Battle Against Cash In The Developing World
June 19, 2017  |  News

While cash is not an unimportant part of life in developed countries, it certainly isn’t central. The vast majority of Americans, 80 percent, carry less...

Time, Really, for Real-Time Payments?
Time, Really, for Real-Time Payments?
June 19, 2017  |  Payments Innovation

Real time payments, as a concept, has been around for a while. What will it take to make the concept a reality?  In our latest...

How Fraud Data Streamlines Digital Loan Decisioning
How Fraud Data Streamlines Digital Loan Decisioning
June 13, 2017  |  Data Drivers

At least two-thirds of consumers who go online apply for a loan. In our latest Data Drivers, Joe DeCosmo, chief analytics officer at Enova, and...

Divido’s Smart Path To POS Financing Growth
Divido’s Smart Path To POS Financing Growth
June 12, 2017  |  Mastercard

Installment loans in retail are not new – they’ve been around in some form for the last three or four decades.  But as Divido co-founder...

Meet The Identity Verification Robot
Meet The Identity Verification Robot
June 08, 2017  |  CEO Series

If the robot army is going to take over, identity verification might be one field humans should let them have. Socure’s artificial intelligence and machine...