Whether through virtual payment technologies or faster payment initiatives, the B2B payments ecosystem has explored ways to accelerate the time it takes a buyer to...
“Follow the money” is usually sound advice. But for alternative SME lenders, it’s more of a “follow where the money isn’t” mentality. That’s how invoice...
Amazon is working with Yes Bank in India in order to boost its seller financing program. Amazon India reportedly struck a deal with the bank...
Traditional banks today face competition from alternative nonbank lenders, but in China, analysts say there is a new trend emerging among financial institutions themselves. Bankers...
Taulia has inked some impressive partnerships in the last few months. Late last year, for instance, the supply chain finance and management company struck a...
The week’s data was filled with a few contradictions among analysts. For instance, electronic invoice volume is soaring to new heights, but paper invoicing is...
Suppliers are getting paid late across the globe, but it’s a particular problem in the U.K., where late payments have led to high-profile political action...
Euler Hermes provides credit insurance for the messy world of supply chain finance, an area of high-risk exposure for many businesses, especially when doing business...
KPMG wants to overhaul the financial supply chain between businesses and has chosen a partner to help do so. An announcement issued Thursday (Dec. 10)...