supplier invoice

Business Email Scams’ Latest Target: Art Galleries
Business Email Scams’ Latest Target: Art Galleries
November 06, 2017  |  B2B Payments

Scammers deploying the Business Email Compromise (BEC) scam have proven no company, regardless of size and industry, is immune to this crime. Reports in The...

How Email, Checks Sabotage Faster Supplier Payments
How Email, Checks Sabotage Faster Supplier Payments
July 21, 2017  |  B2B Payments

The buyer-supplier disconnect in how payments are made and received is a predicament at the cornerstone of many innovative B2B FinTech solutions. Buyers have their...

Vlocity, Globys Target Telecoms With Accounts Receivable, Procurement Solutions
Vlocity, Globys Target Telecoms With Accounts Receivable, Procurement Solutions
June 15, 2017  |  B2B Payments

Cloud company Vlocity and invoicing company Globys are teaming up to target the communications industry and provide its members with a streamlined procurement solution. Globys specializes...

Australia Tries Its Hand At E-Invoicing
Australia Tries Its Hand At E-Invoicing
May 02, 2017  |  B2B Payments

Electronic invoicing within government entities is a proven way to reduce fraud and wasted federal funds. Research shows countries in South America are leading the...

Supplier Payment Delays Inch Up Across Western Europe
Supplier Payment Delays Inch Up Across Western Europe
April 17, 2017  |  B2B Payments

Some markets, especially the U.K. and Australia, have made it a point to combat late supplier payments. But in other markets, the issue continues to...

TIE Kinetix Launches B2G eInvoicing Feature
TIE Kinetix Launches B2G eInvoicing Feature
April 17, 2017  |  B2B Payments

B2B eCommerce solutions provider TIE Kinetix is strengthening its position in the world of business-to-government procurement. The company announced late last week that it is...

Tesco Accounting Scandal Costs Grocer $300M
Tesco Accounting Scandal Costs Grocer $300M
March 29, 2017  |  B2B Payments

U.K. grocery giant Tesco will pay nearly $300 million to settle allegations by the nation’s Serious Fraud Office (SFO) and Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) of...

Top Corporations Reveal Supplier Payment Practices
Top Corporations Reveal Supplier Payment Practices
March 06, 2017  |  B2B Payments

The B2B payments space tends to focus on the back office, but supplier payments are a hot topic even among the world’s largest, forward-facing businesses....