Geopolitical forces are pounding down on supply chains as businesses large and small boost their trading presences across new borders. Supply chain managers are watching...
As the old joke goes, for corporate professionals, the procurement department is where you go to retire. Indeed, said KPMG‘s Procurement and Operations in the Americas...
A Netherlands-based consortium exploring logistics and supply chain technology will begin to look at blockchain in its efforts, reports said Friday (Dec. 30). The consortium,...
Just as businesses need to keep pace with the change of technology, the technology providers that help businesses remain successful need to stay ahead of...
B2B supply chain management company Tradeshift just secured backing from Santander’s venture capital arm. Reports Monday (Dec. 5) said Santander InnoVentures made a portfolio investment in...
Picture this: Amid preparing for a Thanksgiving family dinner, the flowers you had ordered from a business arrive — only, they’re not exactly what you...
When it comes to mitigating supplier risk, even the largest corporations are sometimes flying blind. “You never know what you don’t know,” as Paul Blake,...
Digital procurement software firm GEP is targeting risk associated with B2B trade with a new partnership. The company revealed this week that it is partnering...
The restaurant industry is, in many ways, stuck in its own habits. Convincing a restaurant owner to implement technology to automate expense management, bill pay and...