supply chains

In business and finance, supply chain is a system of organizations, people, activities, information, and resources involved in moving a product or service from supplier to customer.


Equipment Order Slide Hints At Business Caution, Recession
Equipment Order Slide Hints At Business Caution, Recession
March 25, 2020  |  Economy

Looking at economic indicators – those signposts that show where we are, as a nation, and where we’re headed – February was tough. March and beyond...

China’s ‘Once-In-A-Lifetime Disruption’ For eCommerce
China’s ‘Once-In-A-Lifetime Disruption’ For eCommerce
March 24, 2020  |  eCommerce

Markets are tumbling. Fears of a global recession are mounting. Nowhere is the pain being felt more acutely than in China, where the coronavirus first...

Overstock: Fixing Supply Chain’s Weakest Link
Overstock: Fixing Supply Chain’s Weakest Link
March 23, 2020  |  Coronavirus

If there was ever a time to have a tight handle on the supply chain, this is it. Just ask the people at As...

5G Plans Face Setbacks Amid Coronavirus Spread
5G Plans Face Setbacks Amid Coronavirus Spread
February 26, 2020  |  International

The coronavirus has already dented supply chains — notably those that serve retailers and auto manufacturers, among others. Digging a bit deeper and into the...

Coronavirus Impact Threatens SMBs, Credit Ratings In China
Coronavirus Impact Threatens SMBs, Credit Ratings In China
February 07, 2020  |  International

It gets worse, across all corners, across seemingly all industries. In terms of impact, everything pales next to the loss of life, and widespread illness,...

Gauging The Coronavirus Effect On Supply Chains — And The Last Mile
Gauging The Coronavirus Effect On Supply Chains — And The Last Mile
January 30, 2020  |  International

Production supply chains are likely to feel the impact of the coronavirus as it spreads in China and spreads across borders. As China cuts off...

Survey: CFOs Warn Of Slowing Economy In 2020
Survey: CFOs Warn Of Slowing Economy In 2020
January 09, 2020  |  Economy

Deloitte did a survey of chief financial officers (CFOs) at major U.S. companies, and CFOs say the economy is headed toward a slowdown and the...

How Tariffs Lead Toymakers To Redraw Asia’s Supply Chains
How Tariffs Lead Toymakers To Redraw Asia’s Supply Chains
November 28, 2019  |  International

Importers around the world continue to reel from ongoing trade disputes that are redrawing supply chains — perhaps permanently — throughout Asia, causing importers and...

In UK, (Some) Large Firms Suspended from Prompt Payment Code  
In UK, (Some) Large Firms Suspended from Prompt Payment Code  
July 19, 2019  |  B2B Payments

In the UK, several large publicly traded companies have been suspended from the Prompt Payment Code for late payments.  Separately, Tipalti debuts a new offering...