supply chains

In business and finance, supply chain is a system of organizations, people, activities, information, and resources involved in moving a product or service from supplier to customer.


 Blockchain Rx For Drug Supply Chains
 Blockchain Rx For Drug Supply Chains
June 19, 2019  |  B2B Payments

It wasn’t all about Libra, the new cryptocurrency backed by social media and financial heavyweights and underpinned by blockchain.  Announcements tied to DLT also spanned...

Blockchain To Help Cure Hospital Supply Chain’s Ills?
Blockchain To Help Cure Hospital Supply Chain’s Ills?
April 04, 2019  |  Blockchain

As blockchain cleaves from its association with cryptocurrencies, one way distributed ledger technology is finding new use cases is through the application to logistics and...

US Senators Propose New Office To Combat Tech Theft
US Senators Propose New Office To Combat Tech Theft
January 04, 2019  |  Safety and Security

To contend with technology threats from China, two U.S. senators brought forward a bill that would make an office in the White House for safeguarding...

IBM/Maersk Blockchain Shipping Initiative Hits Rough Seas
IBM/Maersk Blockchain Shipping Initiative Hits Rough Seas
October 26, 2018  |  Blockchain

Might there be challenging times afoot for TradeLens, the distributed ledger technology platform effort geared toward supply chains and backed by IBM and Maersk? CoinDesk...

Gold: Sourced Digitally, Ethically And Via Blockchain
Gold: Sourced Digitally, Ethically And Via Blockchain
October 01, 2018  |  Blockchain

Can blockchain help improve transparency of — and even the ethics surrounding — the gold supply chain? Emergent Technology Holdings helps track where the yellow...

GDPR Compliance Yet To Gain Traction
GDPR Compliance Yet To Gain Traction
August 27, 2018  |  Regulation

The initial verdicts of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are in, at least in terms of compliance – or lack thereof. In news this past...

Changes At Whole Foods Post Amazon Buy Rankles Workers, Suppliers
Changes At Whole Foods Post Amazon Buy Rankles Workers, Suppliers
July 03, 2018  |  Retail

One year in, the changes at Whole Foods Market, post the acquisition by Amazon, are rankling some of the grocery giant’s employees and its supply...

Cash Flow Bottlenecks Drive Supply Chains Toward Factoring
Cash Flow Bottlenecks Drive Supply Chains Toward Factoring
May 16, 2018  |  B2B Payments

Trade finance has evolved into an expansive market that combines supply chain finance, invoice finance and factoring, reverse factoring and a slew of other products...