tech companies

China To Launch Board For Listings Of Tech Companies
China To Launch Board For Listings Of Tech Companies
January 30, 2019  |  Investments

China could be gearing up to take on New York and Hong Kong when it comes to listing technology companies on the stock exchange, publishing...

Cloudera And Hortonworks Merge To Take On Amazon
Cloudera And Hortonworks Merge To Take On Amazon
January 03, 2019  |  Partnerships / Acquisitions

Data software companies Cloudera and Hortonworks have combined to take on Amazon, according to a report from CNBC. Both companies were rivals vying for market...

Apple Says User Data Demand Is On The Rise
Apple Says User Data Demand Is On The Rise
December 21, 2018  |  Apple

Apple’s latest transparency report shows a rise in worldwide demands for data. The company revealed that this year it has received 32,342 requests — which...

Facebook, Google Targeted In Revised Franco-German Tech Tax
Facebook, Google Targeted In Revised Franco-German Tech Tax
December 04, 2018  |  Taxes

France and Germany have come up with a compromise for a European Union (EU)-wide digital tax, abandoning a wide-ranging 3 percent tax on revenues generated...

Microsoft, Google To Meet With Trump Admin On Innovation
Microsoft, Google To Meet With Trump Admin On Innovation
November 30, 2018  |  Innovation

The White House will be hosting a variety of technology executives to discuss “bold, transformational ideas” that “can help ensure U.S. leadership in industries of...

IBM CEO Latest To Pile Onto Big Tech
IBM CEO Latest To Pile Onto Big Tech
November 27, 2018  |  Facebook

IBM CEO Ginni Rometty is the latest tech executive to criticize web platforms, such as Facebook and Google, over their data collection practices. Rometty pointed...

Poll: Facebook Trustworthiness Dead Last At 22 Pct
Poll: Facebook Trustworthiness Dead Last At 22 Pct
November 09, 2018  |  Facebook

A new poll shows that Americans believe Facebook to be the least trustworthy of all the major technology companies as far as protecting user data. According...

Five At Five: Uber Tests Memberships
Five At Five: Uber Tests Memberships
October 31, 2018  |  News

Welcome to Five at Five, your late look at the day’s payment and commerce news. Today’s coverage includes the latest retail program from Uber, and...

Microsoft Pulls Ahead Of Amazon As Second-Most Valuable Tech Firm
Microsoft Pulls Ahead Of Amazon As Second-Most Valuable Tech Firm
October 26, 2018  |  Investments

Tech stocks – they used to feel like they were getting whipsawed. Now, they just feel like they go in one direction … down. Despite the...