The Data Point

The Data Point: Over 40% of Millennials Would Switch to FIs Supporting Local Charities
The Data Point: Over 40% of Millennials Would Switch to FIs Supporting Local Charities
July 27, 2022  |  Banking

Charity begins at home, as the old saying goes, and that can mean one’s community as well. New data finds a powerful correlation between bank...

The Data Point: 72% of Consumers Interested in Super Apps
The Data Point: 72% of Consumers Interested in Super Apps
July 26, 2022  |  Connected Economy

The connected economy is quite real, but it’s far from fully connected. There’s a growing sense that the bewildering number of finance and payments apps...

The Data Point: Declines Dog 24% of Consumers With High Payments Diversification
The Data Point: Declines Dog 24% of Consumers With High Payments Diversification
July 25, 2022  |  Payment Methods

Not content to hit 8.6% in May, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) shifted to up to 9.1% in June, making consumers conflicted enough about inflation...

The Data Point: 54% of B2B Retailers Turning Away Legit Customers Due to Fraud Fears
The Data Point: 54% of B2B Retailers Turning Away Legit Customers Due to Fraud Fears
July 22, 2022  |  Fraud Prevention

What you don’t know can cost you coming and going. Businesses failing to authenticate identity in B2B transactions are prime fraud targets on the one...

The Data Point: 31% of Restaurants Do at Least Half Their Business Online
The Data Point: 31% of Restaurants Do at Least Half Their Business Online
July 21, 2022  |  Restaurant innovation

Few sectors digitized on the double time as restaurants, ushering in contactless ordering and delivery, QR code scanning of menus and a host of digital...

The Data Point: 76% of Merchants Say Third-Party Dispute Resolution Is the Way to Go
The Data Point: 76% of Merchants Say Third-Party Dispute Resolution Is the Way to Go
July 15, 2022  |  Fraud Prevention

With the surge of credit card transactions during the pandemic is the seemingly inescapable cascade of disputes and chargebacks that eat into profits and create...

The Data Point: Younger Consumers Seek Convenience of Bundled Banking
The Data Point: Younger Consumers Seek Convenience of Bundled Banking
July 14, 2022  |  Banking

In a world of disintermediated financial products, consumers still show a strong propensity for one banking relationship that brings it all together — and many...

The Data Point: 66% of Credit Union Members Want the Same Fix
The Data Point: 66% of Credit Union Members Want the Same Fix
July 13, 2022  |  Credit Unions

Credit unions (CUs) shook off a dusty reputation to become leaders in the digital shift, and for good reason: CU members see the digital delights...

The Data Point: Subscribers Stocked up on Food, Staples Over Walmart+ Weekend
The Data Point: Subscribers Stocked up on Food, Staples Over Walmart+ Weekend
July 11, 2022  |  Retail

Economic upheavals continue, drawing focus to the big annual discounting events of retail archrivals Amazon and Walmart. Among members of their respective membership programs, PYMNTS...