
Tokenization, when applied to data security, is the process of substituting a sensitive data element with a non-sensitive equivalent, referred to as a token, that has no extrinsic or exploitable meaning or value. The token is a reference that maps back to the sensitive data through a tokenization system.
TokenEx Launches Multi-Variant Tokenization
TokenEx Launches Multi-Variant Tokenization
August 30, 2018  |  Security & Fraud

Data protection platform TokenEx has announced the launch of Multi-Variant Tokenization, a proprietary technology created to enhance how businesses operate and interact with sensitive data. As...

Browser Or Buy Button? W3C’s Jacobs On The Payment Request API
Browser Or Buy Button? W3C’s Jacobs On The Payment Request API
August 22, 2018  |  Digital Payments

Native apps are boring and the web is not dead, said Sir Tim Berners-Lee in November of 2014, on the 25th anniversary of the commercial...

Moving Beyond Tokenization’s ‘Automagic’ Buzz
Moving Beyond Tokenization’s ‘Automagic’ Buzz
August 10, 2018  |  Data

Beware complacency in anything, but especially in data security. Technology has a way of lulling people into a false sense of security, promising a “set...

Google Says Employee Security Key Program A Success Against Phishing
Google Says Employee Security Key Program A Success Against Phishing
July 24, 2018  |  B2B Payments

Google has claimed a success in its fight against employee phishing scams, telling reporters that none of its more than 85,000 employees have fallen victim...

How Dallas Cowboys’ Lewis Neal Wants Companies To Tackle Data Security
How Dallas Cowboys’ Lewis Neal Wants Companies To Tackle Data Security
July 23, 2018  |  Risk Management

From blocking and tackling on the gridiron to blocking and tackling Internal threats and hackers – and quantum computers? HyperSpace board member Lewis Neal (of...

Why Tokenized Data Remains Vulnerable
Why Tokenized Data Remains Vulnerable
July 09, 2018  |  Data

Beyond the buzzword that is tokenization, the reality is that replacing sensitive data with unique identifiers is not the bulletproof method that some may think...

The Use Case For Network Tokens
The Use Case For Network Tokens
July 05, 2018  |  Risk Management

When it comes to personally identifiable information (PII), the words of Gandalf are a good rule for individuals to live by: “Keep it secret. Keep...

Visa Invests In YellowPepper To Accelerate Mobile Payments Adoption
Visa Invests In YellowPepper To Accelerate Mobile Payments Adoption
May 24, 2018  |  VISA

To accelerate the adoption of mobile payments and tokenization in Latin America and the Caribbean, Visa has made an investment in YellowPepper, which will help...

Tokenization Sets B2B Payments On A Path To Security, Speed
Tokenization Sets B2B Payments On A Path To Security, Speed
May 10, 2018  |  B2B Payments

Payments security is an increasingly critical component for businesses on both sides of a B2B transaction today. WEX’s Payments Pulse Data report published last year...