transaction disputes

Mastercard and Salesforce Team to Resolve Transaction Disputes
Mastercard and Salesforce Team to Resolve Transaction Disputes
May 16, 2024  |  Partnerships

Mastercard and Salesforce have announced an integration designed to reduce purchase disputes and chargebacks. “Disputes and chargebacks, where a consumer notices a transaction they don’t recognise and requests...

Proactive Dispute Policies Put Merchants, Consumers on Same Page
Proactive Dispute Policies Put Merchants, Consumers on Same Page
September 15, 2022  |  Merchant Innovation

Transaction disputes, by their very nature, are reactive problems for merchants. They don’t exist until a cardholder is dissatisfied or confused about a transaction, setting...

Small and Large Merchants Alike Lose Significant Revenues to Disputed Payments
Small and Large Merchants Alike Lose Significant Revenues to Disputed Payments
August 22, 2022  |  Payment Methods

We might term disputed card transactions the equal opportunity challenge for merchants large and small. And there’s a disconnect between the thought that using homegrown...

Visa Enables Some Issuers to Join Rapid Dispute Resolution Service
Visa Enables Some Issuers to Join Rapid Dispute Resolution Service
October 22, 2021  |  VISA

Visa, in partnership with Verifi, is now enabling issuers in select markets to participate in its Rapid Dispute Resolution (RDR) service within Visa Resolve Online...