
Unemployment occurs when a person who is actively searching for employment is unable to find work. Unemployment Insurance is a joint state-federal program that provides cash benefits to eligible workers. The benefits partially replace wages to help unemployed workers meet their financial obligations while looking for work.

Source: usa.gov

Gig Workers Unemployment Benefits A Question Mark
Gig Workers Unemployment Benefits A Question Mark
April 02, 2020  |  Gig Economy

Gig economy workers, despite being included in the federal stimulus for economic recovery from the coronavirus, now face uncertainty over how they’ll get any of...

CBO Expects GDP To Fall 7 Pct. In Q2
CBO Expects GDP To Fall 7 Pct. In Q2
April 02, 2020  |  Coronavirus

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) is anticipating a grim second quarter this year as the economy sputters amid coronavirus-related layoffs and business closures, CBO director...

‘Mom-and-Pop’ Landlords Lack Cash, Credit To Cover Unpaid Rents
‘Mom-and-Pop’ Landlords Lack Cash, Credit To Cover Unpaid Rents
April 02, 2020  |  Coronavirus

As millions of people lose paychecks amid the coronavirus pandemic, some 48 million renters have missed their April 1 payments, causing financial trouble for mom-and-pop...

Today In Payments: Apple Eases Streaming App Commissions; Softbank Abandons WeWork Deal
Today In Payments: Apple Eases Streaming App Commissions; Softbank Abandons WeWork Deal
April 02, 2020  |  News

In today’s top news, Apple will end its practice of taking a commission from streaming platforms operating on its devices, and Softbank pulled out of...

Can Stimulus Funds Battle Back The Main Street Cash Crunch?
Can Stimulus Funds Battle Back The Main Street Cash Crunch?
April 02, 2020  |  Economy

By the numbers the news is not bright this week — pretty much no matter where one looks as the coronavirus pandemic continues. Unemployment filings have...

Unemployment Data Shows Darkening Coronavirus Clouds For SMBs
Unemployment Data Shows Darkening Coronavirus Clouds For SMBs
April 02, 2020  |  Economy

These are the kinds of records that no one wants to see broken. And yet, as the coronavirus pandemic keeps decimating businesses, particularly smaller ones,...

US Jobless Claims Hit Record 6.6M Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
US Jobless Claims Hit Record 6.6M Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
April 02, 2020  |  Economy

In another sign that the nation’s economy is suffering amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of new jobless claims reached record levels last week, double...

Boston Fed Chief Rosengren Expects Jobless Rate To ‘Rise Dramatically’
Boston Fed Chief Rosengren Expects Jobless Rate To ‘Rise Dramatically’
April 01, 2020  |  Economy

Boston Federal Reserve President Eric Rosengren said on Wednesday (April 1) that despite the best efforts of politicians and central bankers to contain COVID-19’s economic...

Survey: 46 Pct Of Americans Are At High Risk Of Layoffs
Survey: 46 Pct Of Americans Are At High Risk Of Layoffs
April 01, 2020  |  Coronavirus

More than 66 million jobs across fields such as retail, food service and sales are at a high risk of layoffs because of the coronavirus‘...