
Fusion Expands The View Of Risk Into The Supply Chain
Fusion Expands The View Of Risk Into The Supply Chain
September 28, 2018  |  B2B Payments

The number of businesses with integrated enterprise risk management (ERM) programs, technologies and strategies is on the rise. Most businesses surveyed by RIMS in its...

Solna On Moving Beyond AltFin To Tackle Late Vendor Payments
Solna On Moving Beyond AltFin To Tackle Late Vendor Payments
September 19, 2018  |  B2B Payments

In the late payments battle, a popular strategy to ease cash flow concerns is to target the business getting paid late. Broadening access to trade...

Chico’s Teams Up With Amazon For Apparel Sales
Chico’s Teams Up With Amazon For Apparel Sales
April 30, 2018  |  Retail

As Amazon adds established clothing brands to its platform, Chico’s FAS will become one of the latest companies to sell its merchandise on the eCommerce retailer’s...

More Than One-Quarter Of Amazon Merchant Sales Cross Borders
More Than One-Quarter Of Amazon Merchant Sales Cross Borders
March 20, 2018  |  Amazon Commerce

Amazon is encouraging its eCommerce vendors to sell their goods internationally, as cross-border sales are becoming an increasingly important part of the retailer’s revenue. According...

Amazon Japan Office Raided By Fair Trade Regulator
Amazon Japan Office Raided By Fair Trade Regulator
March 15, 2018  |  ANTITRUST

Amazon Japan revealed news on Thursday (March 15) that its offices were raided by Japan’s fair trade regulator. Reuters, citing an Amazon Japan spokesperson, reported...

Behind Whole Foods’ Vendor Summit, New Landscape For Sellers — And Buyers
Behind Whole Foods’ Vendor Summit, New Landscape For Sellers — And Buyers
March 14, 2018  |  Retail

When it comes to the grocery business, relationships are as easy to bruise as an overripe apple. Such is the case with Whole Foods, which...

How The ‘Debbie Test’ Can Flag Sketchy Merchants
How The ‘Debbie Test’ Can Flag Sketchy Merchants
October 10, 2017  |  Risk Management

“Does this merchant pass the Debbie Test?” That’s the first thing Donald Kasdon, chief executive officer of credit card processing and payment solutions provider T1 Payments, said he asks...

Willy Street Co-op Thinks Small To Get Big Results
Willy Street Co-op Thinks Small To Get Big Results
September 13, 2017  |  Retail

Everybody eats. A brief look at our nation’s Instagram feeds or BMI averages quickly confirms that Americans eat far more often than necessity requires. We...

Payless Suppliers Getting More Aggressive As Concerns Mount They Won’t Get Paid
Payless Suppliers Getting More Aggressive As Concerns Mount They Won’t Get Paid
April 24, 2017  |  Retail

Payless, the soon-to-be-bankrupt shoe retailer, is seeing hostility from its vendors grow more broadly as suppliers are growing more concerned they won’t get paid for...