
Merchants: Leave Global Commerce To Partners
Merchants: Leave Global Commerce To Partners
June 04, 2021  |  Cross Border Commerce

The great digital shift has been a rising tide that has lifted all forms of eCommerce — especially cross-border. Ben Fochs, VP of strategy at...

Creative Use Of Data Is Subscription Services Only ‘Moat’
Creative Use Of Data Is Subscription Services Only ‘Moat’
June 04, 2021  |  Subscriptions

The conventional wisdom that every business needs a good “moat,” or a competitive barrier that sets them apart from the pack and keeps predators at...

Data Rails Anonymize Card Info Through Aliases And Data Teleportation
Data Rails Anonymize Card Info Through Aliases And Data Teleportation
June 03, 2021  |  Data

Data teleportation. It may sound like something out of “Doctor Who” or “The Fly” (hellllppp meee!) — a-“now-you-see-it, now-you-don’t” sleight of hand where information is...

From BNPL To Wallets, Rising Payment Options Create Clutter, Add Friction
From BNPL To Wallets, Rising Payment Options Create Clutter, Add Friction
June 03, 2021  |  Payment Methods

Payments have long been the conduit for new and different experiences in commerce. Look no further than the past year as proof as contactless payments,...

Amex: Payments Tech Builds Healthier Cash Flows In Booming Construction Market
Amex: Payments Tech Builds Healthier Cash Flows In Booming Construction Market
June 02, 2021  |  B2B Payments

Rising supply and demand throughout the construction industry can be a fickle beast for the builders, contractors, buyers and suppliers operating in the space. The...

Finding The Balance For Merchants Between Trusted Authentication And Costly Aggravation
Finding The Balance For Merchants Between Trusted Authentication And Costly Aggravation
June 02, 2021  |  Security & Fraud

With a never-ending parade of bad news about data breaches, cybercrimes, ransomware schemes and a purported army of digital criminals ready to unleash their next...

BitPay CEO: Consumers Want To Spend Crypto Wealth At Merchants
BitPay CEO: Consumers Want To Spend Crypto Wealth At Merchants
June 02, 2021  |  Cryptocurrency

If you want to spend it — will they come? Apologies to the old baseball movie, but the question is a fair one. As cryptocurrencies...

Digital Pivots Help Johnson & Johnson’s Supply Chain Stay Resilient
Digital Pivots Help Johnson & Johnson’s Supply Chain Stay Resilient
June 02, 2021  |  Commerce Connected

In many ways, Johnson & Johnson was at the heart of the COVID-19 crisis. Not only was the company racing against the virus to deploy...

Kushki Lands $86 Million To Fix LatAm’s Fragmented Payments Infrastructure
Kushki Lands $86 Million To Fix LatAm’s Fragmented Payments Infrastructure
June 01, 2021  |  Payment Methods

“Latin America is one of the last frontiers where everything is completely ‘legacy.’ The technology is fragmented and unstandardized. It’s been a blank canvas,” Kushki...