Visa Europe

Visa To Buy Visa Europe
Visa To Buy Visa Europe
November 02, 2015  |  Europe

After months of speculation and concerns last week that the deal might not come through, it seems Visa’s plan to acquire Visa Europe will make...

Is The Visa/Visa Europe Deal On The Outs?
Is The Visa/Visa Europe Deal On The Outs?
October 26, 2015  |  International

Could it be that the much anticipated deal between Visa and Visa Europe may not be in the cards? If Friday’s stock market action was...

Big Value For Visa Europe, Big Progress For The Blockchain And Big Trouble For Snapchat
Big Value For Visa Europe, Big Progress For The Blockchain And Big Trouble For Snapchat
August 24, 2015  |  B2B Payments

Between Apple’s falling share prices, Amazon’s HR woes and the great Ashley Madison data dump of 2015, last week was an all-around great time for...