Freelance work is as old as work itself, but the more recent emergence of the digital marketplace dedicated to “gig work” has had effects beyond the world of employment. It’s turned up the pressure for faster payments and easier access to funds as they are earned. It means businesses and workers are being managed increasingly on and from mobile channels. And it means investing in stronger security systems to head off digitally enthused cyber crooks. None of it is easy work, but the digital worker is often also the digital consumer, and faster payments and increased channels are innovations used in a lot of digital locations.
87 percent: Share of retailers adopting mPOS to give their staff the ability to check out customers from anywhere in the store.
43 percent: Share of art, design, entertainment, sports and media full-time gig workers that use marketplaces.
40 percent: Share of American adults that would need to borrow or sell items to cover an unexpected cost.
34 percent: Share of U.S. workers that took on gig work during Q2 2018.
33 percent: Share of fraud aimed at mobile channels.