
A Look Into The Future Of Payments And Commerce

A Look Into The Future Of Payments And Commerce

The future of customer service will include humans and robots working in cahoots. The future of Mastercard — and its issuers and merchants — includes a new innovation engine. Marketplaces, meanwhile, are prepping for the new payments landscape, while consumers don’t seem to be doing all they can to prepare for the future of fraud.


52.9 percent: Consumers who view protection as a reason to use location controls.

$60 trillion: Projected value of the digitally distributed consumer economy under PSD2 by 2025.

10+: Number of GDPR investigations targeting Facebook and other companies.

33.8 percent: Consumers deterred from using location controls because of fraud fears.

29.9 percent: Consumers who are “very” or “extremely” interested in location controls.