Rising Interest In Online Grocery Shopping And Subscriptions

Rising Interest In Online Grocery, Subscriptions

Online grocery shopping isn’t a completely new phenomenon, but the pandemic period has sped up its progress. Grocery has truly turned into a multichannel shopping journey this year, as consumers have migrated to harnessing multiple purchasing channels to buy supermarket items. In recurring payments, subscription services are taking off amid the pandemic, and software-as-a-service (SaaS) providers aren’t an exception. All this, Today in Data.


182M: Number of consumers who subscribed to at least one subscription service in July.

60%: Share of merchants that have reduced onboarding time for subscribers.

35.3%: Portion of consumers who would be willing to leave their favorite grocers for other players that would allow them to pay in-store in a touchless manner.

22.7%: Approximate share of grocery shoppers who order groceries online for delivery more since the pandemic began.

15M: Number of consumers who have signed up for subscription services since the start of the pandemic.