Taking New Approaches To Retail Stores And Faster Payment Models

New Approaches To Retail And Faster Payments

Anchor Shops is aiming to keep the parts of the department store experience that are still working, while minimizing the portions that drag down department store profits. And, in faster payments, the higher education and public school system is one such space that remains mired in outdated payment processing methods. Smart FinTechs, however, are seeing opportunities in the education space. All this, Today in Data.


2020: The year that Anchor Shops, with a retail store and a fulfillment center, is set to open.

80 percent: Estimated CAGR of real-time payment growth in higher education between 2018 and 2022.

54: Number of countries with active real-time payment programs.

21.5 percent: Share of consumers still receiving disbursements via paper checks.

12: Number of additional stores that Anchor Shops hopes to build in the Philadelphia and New Jersey region.