Report: Credit Unions Tap Data To Capture Member Credit Business

Credit Union Tracker® - April 2021

Credit union members like credit, but often get it from other financial institutions. In this month’s “Credit Union Tracker®,” a collaboration with PSCU, Wade Painter, president and CEO of San Mateo Credit Union, explains how CUs are using analytical tools CUs to develop and implement member-centric credit products.

Inside the April Tracker
  • San Mateo Credit Union President and CEO Wade Painter on the importance of staying tuned into members’ credit needs when it comes to developing new products and services
  • The latest developments from the CU space, including the increase in use of digital wallet-enabled credit card purchases, and CU efforts to assist members hit hard by the pandemic
  • A Deep Dive analyzing the tools and technologies CUs can leverage to understand their members’ need for loans and other credit products and how these tools can help prevent portfolio leakage

PSCU Credit Union