Digital-First Banking Tracker® - April 2021

More than 161 million U.S. consumers are expected to use digital channels for banking by the end of 2021, but financial institutions (FIs) with back-end systems that are not up to snuff can struggle to handle this colossal demand. In this month’s Digital-First Banking Tracker, Ravi Vakacherla, chief transformation officer at People’s United Bank, explains how utilizing robotic process automation can help FIs upgrade their legacy infrastructure and realize their digital initiatives.

Inside the April Tracker
  • An interview with Ravi Vakacherla, chief transformation officer at People’s United Bank, about how back-end improvements like robotic process automation enable a seamless digital transformation to handle increased digital usership
  • The latest digital-first banking developments, including why only 3 percent of banks ever complete their digital transformations and how 60 percent of FIs are now deploying AI-enabled services
  • A Deep Dive analyzing how robotic process automation and cloud computing can help banks modernize their legacy back-end systems

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