Navigating Nonprofits' Digital Payments Shift

The Navigating Nonprofits' Digital Payments Shift Report, a PYMNTS and American Express collaboration, explores the most recent news and trends surrounding nonprofits’ virtual fundraising efforts and other online campaigns to generate contributions during the pandemic. The report highlights key digital payments approaches that can be leveraged to prevent donation abandonmen
Inside the January Tracker
  • An interview with Todd Baylis, president and co-founder of fundraising software solutions provider Qgiv, on how nonprofits are turning to virtual fundraisers and digital donation requests during the pandemic
  • The latest nonprofit digital payments developments, including how some organizations are tapping QR codes to solicit contributions on the street and new data revealing that 77 percent of U.K. charities are more heavily digitizing their operations
  • A Deep Dive analyzing how nonprofits are adopting virtual strategies to drive and collect donations as the pandemic strains in-person fundraising efforts

B2B and Digital Payments