2023 2024 Growth Corporates Working Capital Index news and trends

What 873 CFOs Can Teach Banks About Working Capital Efficiencies    
Business // September 14, 2023

“You can’t always get what you want” are both lyrics made famous by Mick Jagger in the 1968 rock classic by the same name and very likely the most frequently spoken words by parents everywhere. It also happens to be a fitting commentary on the...

Visa: Speedier Cash Conversion Cycles Make Dollars and Sense for Growth Corporates
VISA // September 14, 2023

 The companies with top lines of $50 million to as much as $1 billion populate all manner of industries all across the globe. But as far-flung as they might be, there’s a commonality that runs through it all: They could benefit — financially, to be...

Interviews & Exclusives
What 873 CFOs Can Teach Banks About Working Capital Efficiencies    

September 14, 2023
“You can’t always get what you want” are both lyrics made famous by Mick Jagger in the 1968 rock classic by the same name and very likely the most frequently spoken words by parents everywhere. It also happens to be a fitting commentary on the working capital needs of a category of companies called Growth […]

Quick Reads
Visa: Working Capital Strategies Best at Top-Performing Middle-Market Firms

March 07, 2024
A strategic, forward-thinking approach to working capital helps separate top-performing middle-market firms from their peers, according to Visa. The latest release of the “2023-2024 Growth Corporates Working Capital Index,” noted that middle-market firms with revenues between $50 million to $1 billion annually perform most efficiently when they tap into external financing for planned growth initiatives […]