3d Secure news and trends

Barclaycard Says Retailers Need Detect-and-Protect Mindset to Stop Online Fraud
Security & Fraud // March 08, 2023

Payment fraud is expected to jump from $28 billion globally in 2020 to $49 billion in 2030, according to analysts. Those figures, said Linda Weston, head of core product at Barclaycard Payments, point to the enormous threat online retailers are facing in the payments space,...

3DS2 Helps Merchants Shift Chargeback Liability
Security & Fraud // February 04, 2021

For merchants who until 2020 were mostly conducting business in the physical world, online fraud wasn’t a top-of-mind concern. But with the digital shift that has happened at a warp speed over the last year or so, companies in various verticals have had to learn...

Deep Dive: Securing The Growth Of CNP Debit
Next-Gen Debit // September 11, 2020

Card not present (CNP) debit transactions are growing swiftly during the pandemic as many consumers limit their in-store shopping and leverage services such as curbside grocery pickup, meal delivery apps and online retail to meet their needs while social distancing. Merchants and financial institutions (FIs)...

TD Bank: Making AP Departments Digital And Resilient
Next-Gen AP Automation // August 25, 2020

Businesses are not anticipating a smooth return to normalcy, with 43.5 percent of treasurers saying in a global poll that they expect the economic recovery to follow a “W”-shape, rather than the much-hoped-for “V”-shape. Organizations that are adjusting their processes to meet the conditions imposed...

Interviews & Exclusives
Barclaycard Says Retailers Need Detect-and-Protect Mindset to Stop Online Fraud

March 08, 2023
Payment fraud is expected to jump from $28 billion globally in 2020 to $49 billion in 2030, according to analysts. Those figures, said Linda Weston, head of core product at Barclaycard Payments, point to the enormous threat online retailers are facing in the payments space, not to mention the added burden of ensuring optimal protection […]

3DS2 Helps Merchants Shift Chargeback Liability

February 04, 2021
For merchants who until 2020 were mostly conducting business in the physical world, online fraud wasn’t a top-of-mind concern. But with the digital shift that has happened at a warp...

The Impact Of PSD2 And GDPR On Merchant Fraud

April 20, 2018
A perfect storm of regulatory changes and card brand rule changes has left many merchants wondering to whom, exactly, they are beholden and what, exactly, they must do to comply....

UL: 3DS 2.0 Can Secure Merchants’ Omnichannel Ship

March 28, 2018
When you turn on a light in your home, chances are the lamp meets the nationally recognized UL Standards, and says so on the tag. UL Marks are an industry...

Quick Reads
EMVCo Updates Protocol To Prevent CNP Fraud

December 17, 2018
EMVCo, the global technical body that facilitates the worldwide interoperability and acceptance of secure payment transactions,  announced late last week that it published the EMV 3-D Secure Protocol and Core Functions Specification v2.2.0. In a press release, EMVCo said the specification has been updated to include enhancements that will better promote and optimized the consumer experience and […]