Aging Population news and trends

Amazon Targets Senior Healthcare With Talks With AARP
Amazon // March 21, 2018

Amazon has been meeting with AARP about sharing research and working together on technology for older consumers. According to CNBC, the eCommerce giant has been talking to AARP, an interest group focusing on people over 50, since 2015. Without going into too much detail, Amazon’s...

Interviews & Exclusives
The Senior Factor In Smart Home Innovation

January 22, 2020
The U.S. population is getting older. Today, there are roughly 50 million Americans over the age of 65, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and that number will rise sharply over the next decade. By 2030, the Census estimates there will be 78 million Americans over the age of 65 – that means one in […]

Quick Reads
Amazon Targets Senior Healthcare With Talks With AARP

March 21, 2018
Amazon has been meeting with AARP about sharing research and working together on technology for older consumers. According to CNBC, the eCommerce giant has been talking to AARP, an interest group focusing on people over 50, since 2015. Without going into too much detail, Amazon’s vice president Babak Parviz spoke about reaching older consumers at […]