Ai Act news and trends

European Council Approves AI Act, Says It Sets Global Standard
artificial intelligence // May 21, 2024

The European Council (EC) has approved the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act, saying this law is the first of its kind in the world and may set a global standard for the regulation of AI. The new law aims to harmonize rules on AI; promote the use of “safe...

Anthropic Launches AI Assistant Claude in Europe
artificial intelligence // May 13, 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) startup Anthropic has launched its AI assistant Claude in Europe. The web-based version, the Claude iOS app, and the subscription-based Claude Team plan that allows businesses to access the Claude 3 model family, are now available across Europe, the company said in a press release. These offerings join the Claude API, which was launched...

UK Set to Revise AI Oversight Amid Big Tech Data Boom
artificial intelligence // April 24, 2024

The head of the U.K.’s financial regulator announced plans to explore how big tech companies’ access to extensive data might lead to improved financial products and more options for consumers. The regulatory shift seeks to maximize artificial intelligence’s (AI’s) potential for innovation, competitive pricing and expanded options for consumers and businesses. The...

EU’s AI Act: Premature or Prescient?
Artificial Intelligence // February 05, 2024

Is it possible to achieve a perfect balance between regulation and innovation over disruptive technologies? The European Union’s (EU) 27 member states appear to think so. The bloc unanimously endorsed the final text of its Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act on Friday (Feb. 2), moving past concerns by...

Interviews & Exclusives
What Does the ‘Perfect’ AI Regulatory Framework Look Like?

November 09, 2023
The perfect artificial intelligence (AI) regulation should ensure the technology doesn’t turn on its creators. But it also needs to ensure that the regulation itself doesn’t turn on the technology, by dampening or stamping out innovation. That’s why PYMNTS CEO Karen Webster sat down with Shaunt Sarkissian, CEO and founder of AI-ID, and asked him to play […]

EU’s AI Act Raises Questions Around Who Will Watch the Watchers

August 29, 2023
Lawmakers around the globe are organizing their efforts to tackle artificial intelligence (AI) more aggressively. Both Beijing and Brussels have struck first, although the European Union’s (EU) AI Act has...

EU Watchdog Mulls Regulation of AI-Cybersecurity Firms

October 05, 2022
In what’s been called the fourth industrial revolution, artificial intelligence (AI) is radically transforming global economies at a pace that has regulators scrambling to keep up. In the European Union...

Quick Reads
Big Tech Companies Highlight Benefits of AI at European Event

May 23, 2024
At the VivaTech conference in Paris on Wednesday (May 22), executives from Amazon and Google spoke about the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) and its positive impact on economies and communities. This comes at a time when regulators worldwide are working to address potential harm associated with technology and establish regulations to govern its use, […]

European Council Approves AI Act, Says It Sets Global Standard

May 21, 2024
The European Council (EC) has approved the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act, saying this law is the first of its kind in the world and may set a global standard for the regulation of...

Anthropic Launches AI Assistant Claude in Europe

May 13, 2024
Artificial intelligence (AI) startup Anthropic has launched its AI assistant Claude in Europe. The web-based version, the Claude iOS app, and the subscription-based Claude Team plan that allows businesses to access the Claude 3 model family, are now available...

Europe’s AI Legislation Exempts Open-Source Models

December 07, 2023
Europe’s new AI legislation could reportedly go easy on open-source artificial intelligence models. Lawmakers in Europe were still hammering out the details of the landmark AI Act on Thursday (Dec. 7), Reuters...